Smash Cake Alternatives: The Macaron

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Trying something new: Macarons

When you hit the internet looking for alternatives to using an actual cake for your first birthday photography you see some pretty clever ideas. We actually wrote a blog about alternatives to using cake in your first birthday photography. But not featured in that blog is my new favorite cake alternative: the macaron. Visually I love the multiple exposed layers and the bright poppy colors of macarons. Just run a quick search on Pinterest for smash cake macarons and you’ll see what I mean.

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As you can see from the Pinterest screenshot above the camera really loves those colorfully scrumptious nuggets of goodness. Not only that, but you can arrange them in any way you see fit. You can arrange them in a pattern on a tray. Or you can stack them into a tower of multicolored awesomeness stretching your confections towards the heavens. Just don’t make it too tall or you’ll overshadow the baby. (For more on that tip and others about the perfect choices for cakes: The Perfect (Smash) Cake)

Nothing is going to prove to you the power of the magical macaron more than trying it for yourself. So for those you looking to add a little more European flair to you first birthday sets here’s my favorite macaron recipe to get you started. Don’t forget your cake stand!

By the way the macaron is French so don’t you dare design a Paris set without these little beauties. It would be an absolute insult to our Parisian brothers from another mother!

I really hope you guys enjoy my favorite macaron recipe and give them a try in your next smash cake set. If you have a favorite macaron recipe (and are willing to share it) drop me a note at I’ll give it a try and perhaps feature it in another “Why Macarons Are Awesome” blog.

Thanks for reading and happy macaron munching,

Daniel Troutman